3 useful tips for choosing the right pit jack!

July 22, 2024 0 By
3 useful tips for choosing the right pit jack!

Essential equipment in the workshop, the pit jack is one of the most suitable tools for lifting loads in complete safety. However, to fully benefit from this equipment, it is important to choose the best model. If you want to know how to go about purchasing a high-quality pit jack, discover here 3 tips that will be very useful to you.

1 – Take into account the type of material

Pit jacks come in a variety of models from different brands. Each model distinguishes itself from the others through very specific characteristics. Among these, we find the type of material used to make the tool. In the market, there are basically two types of materials, including steel and aluminum.


Pit jacks made of steel are the best known among professionals who use this equipment. This great popularity is explained on the one hand by the fact that these cylinders are the least expensive compared to others whose prices can reach rather high amounts. On the other hand, steel cylinders have remarkable durability, which constitutes a real asset that many professionals consider to guide their choice. However, it should be noted that these advantages come with a trade-off: the pit jack steel is the heaviest. For this, professionals who adopt this type of pit jacks mostly work in repair workshops. They use it, among other things, to change tires; they therefore do not have to move it.


Alongside steel pit jacks, we find models made of aluminum which also have some specific features. First of all, you should know that these are the most expensive models on the market. Secondly, this type of pit jacks have much more modest durability. On the other hand, their big advantage concerns weight, since they are quite light. For comparison, remember that aluminum pit jacks weigh less than half the weight of steel models.

Aluminum pit jacks are suitable for professionals working outside workshops, including mobile mechanics, roadside assistance or even DIY enthusiasts.

2 – Take into account the tonnage capacity

At this level, it is a question of taking into account the tonnage capacity of the vehicle to be lifted when determining its gross weight. To do this, look at the sticker placed in the driver’s door pillar. Otherwise, you can consult the vehicle manual. Furthermore, it will also be necessary to take into account the maximum height of the service socket.

3 – Refer to the best supplier

In addition to taking into account the various points mentioned above, the best way to obtain a high quality pit jack is to refer to a good supplier. Experienced and able to advise you, they will help you find the model of pit jack that best suits your needs.

Top 5 > The best selling pit jacks to buy in 2025

How to choose the best pit jack?

When it comes to choosing a pit jack, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. First, think about the weight of your car. A smaller car will obviously require a smaller jack, while a larger car will require a larger one. You also need to consider where you will be using the jack. If you’re only going to use it in your driveway, there’s no need to go for the largest and most expensive option.

On the other hand, if you plan to take it to the track or off-road, you’ll need a tool that’s up to the task. Another thing to consider is how easy the jack is to use. Some models can be quite difficult to use, so make sure you choose one that is easy to use. By keeping all of these factors in mind, you should be able to find the ideal pit jack for your needs.

Why is it important to choose the right pit jack?

When it comes to automotive maintenance, few tools are as essential as a good pit jack. Also known as a floor jack, this simple device is used to lift cars and trucks so that they can be worked on. While some jacks are designed for general use, others are specifically designed for certain types of vehicles.

Therefore, it is important to choose the pit jack that best suits the task. A heavy-duty jack is ideal for lifting large trucks and SUVs, while a smaller jack is more suitable for compact cars. Additionally, it is important to consider the weight capacity of the jack and the height to which it can be lifted. By considering these factors, you can ensure that your vehicle is properly supported during maintenance and repairs.

My conclusion & Opinion on pit jacks

In my opinion, pit jacks are an amazing piece of equipment. They are so versatile and can be used in so many different ways. I have used them to lift cars, trucks and even RVs. They are also great for lifting heavy objects such as engines and transmissions. The pit jacks are strong and durable, and I’ve never had one fail. I highly recommend them to anyone who needs a reliable way to lift heavy objects.

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